Try out the Procrastination Theme in the Thinkladder app here:
Isn’t it amazing how many other tasks suddenly pop into our minds the moment we try to get started on something we need to do? I can do it later. It’s so easy for procrastination to take over any time we’re facing a task we find boring, difficult, or overwhelming. While the occasional bout of procrastination is normal, problems can arise when it starts to become a pattern. Putting things off can seriously disrupt our productivity. It can hold us back from opportunities, and create a whole lot of unnecessary stress.
It can be hard to identify why we procrastinate even when we know it’s not helping us. A great place to start is by pinpointing the unhelpful beliefs that keep us locked in our procrastinating ways. These could be something like, ‘Doing this later will be easier and less stressful than doing it now,’ or, ‘If I ignore it, it will go away’. Once we’ve identified these beliefs, we can then replace them ideas which support us in our quest to better manage our lives.
If constantly putting things off is an issue for you, then check out the ‘Procrastination’ theme in the Thinkladder app.
Insights from the ‘Procrastination’ Theme
There will always be something to distract me. I can train my brain to focus anyway.
Practical tips to overcome procrastination:
Introduce structure: Create a schedule that outlines your tasks and deadlines. By having a structured plan, you can prioritise your work effectively and avoid the temptation to procrastinate.
Break tasks into smaller steps: If a task feels overwhelming, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This helps to create a sense of progress and makes the task less daunting. Celebrating small wins helps to boost motivation and momentum.
Set specific and realistic goals: Define clear and achievable goals for each task or project. Make your goals measurable and time-bound to create a sense of urgency and motivation. Setting specific targets can help you stay focused and reduce the tendency to procrastinate.
Minimise distractions: Create an environment that promotes productivity. Turn off notifications on your phone or computer and remove any other interruptions. Find a quiet workspace, free from unnecessary temptations or distractions. This helps create a focused environment that supports your efforts to avoid procrastination.
Use time management techniques: Try allocating dedicated blocks of time for focused work. Taking short breaks can help you to maintain your energy and concentration. Experiment with different time management techniques to find what works best for you.
Start with the most challenging tasks: Tackle the most difficult or unpleasant tasks first. By completing them early on, you’ll experience a sense of accomplishment and gain momentum to continue on with other tasks.
Practise self-discipline and accountability: Hold yourself accountable for your actions and deadlines. Develop self-discipline by setting firm boundaries and committing to following through. Consider using productivity tools or apps that track your progress and provide reminders to help you stay on track.
Find an accountability partner: Share your goals and deadlines with someone you trust, such as a friend, colleague, or mentor. Having an accountability partner can help keep you motivated and committed to your tasks. Regular check-ins and discussions about your progress can provide support and encouragement.
Don’t forget the basics:
Recharge: Your physical, mental and emotional well-being directly impacts your ability to focus. Prioritise adequate sleep, exercise, and healthy eating habits. Engage in activities that help you relax and rejuvenate, such as meditation, hobbies, or spending time in nature. Maintaining balance in each of these areas will allow space to introduce new ways of being.
Explore underlying reasons for procrastination: Reflect on the reasons behind your procrastination. Is it due to fear, lack of motivation, or feeling overwhelmed? Once you identify the underlying causes, you can develop strategies to address them. Thinkladder can help you to weed out unhelpful beliefs that may be fuelling your procrastination.
Related topics: People Pleasing, Self-Worth, Anxiety & Comparing Myself To Others.