Try out the ‘Loss of Plans and Dreams’ Theme in the Thinkladder app here:
At some point in our lives, it is inevitable that something will happen to wipe out our dearly held plans and dreams. Whether it be the loss of a job, relationship, health, or finances, the loss of our plans and dreams can hit us really hard. And what can make it worse is the voice of our inner critic, feeding us negative self-talk.
We may find that our emotions become overwhelming following the loss of our plans and dreams. The first thing we can do is identify the limiting beliefs that underlie these feelings. These could be something like, ‘Everyone around me thinks I’m a failure for not fulfilling my dream,’ or, ‘There is nothing left to hope for or look forward to.’ Once we have identified these unhelpful thoughts, we can then dispute them. We can use positive insights to change our thinking. As we practise this cognitive reframing over and over, our thoughts and feelings eventually turn in a more life-giving direction.
If you are suffering the loss of your plans or dreams, then take some time to check out the ‘Loss of Plans and Dreams’ theme in the Thinkladder app.
Insights from the ‘Loss of Plans and Dreams’ Theme
This dream may not be mine anymore, but my life is – I can still live each day to its fullest.
Practical tips for dealing with a loss of plans and dreams:
Allow yourself to mourn: It’s essential to acknowledge the significance of what you’ve lost. Allow yourself to go through the grieving process and to express your emotions. You could try writing, talking to a trusted friend, or engaging in activities that help you process your feelings.
Focus on the present moment: Processing grief can be exhausting and takes up a lot of our emotional capacity. Allow yourself times to shift your attention away from what was lost. By focusing on the here and now, you can find essential moments of joy and fulfilment.
Give yourself time: Healing and moving forward after a loss takes time. Be patient with yourself and understand that the journey is not linear. Some days may be more difficult than others, and that’s okay. Trust in your ability to rebuild and create new plans and dreams.
Learn and grow: Look for opportunities for personal growth and learning within the experience. Reflect on what you have gained, the skills you have developed, or the wisdom you have acquired. Embrace the lessons learned and use them to build resilience and shape your future endeavours.
Set new goals and aspirations: When you’re ready, it can be helpful to acknowledge what is still important to you. Consider new paths or possibilities for the future. Set new goals that align with your current circumstances and values. Break them down into manageable steps to give yourself a sense of progress and achievement.
Don’t forget the basics:
Honour your emotions: Losing plans and dreams can be deeply challenging and distressing. It’s natural to feel sadness, disappointment, guilt or anger. Allow yourself to feel the full range of emotions that accompany loss, without judgement.
Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or a support group who can provide emotional support and understanding. Sharing your feelings with others can be comforting and validating. Consider seeking professional help if you’re finding it particularly difficult to cope.
Reframe your perspective: The emotions that arise can feel overwhelming following the loss of plans and dreams. It can be helpful to identify the limiting beliefs that underlie these feelings. Thinkladder can guide you in this process, and help you to find Insights that empower you to move forward.
Related topics: People Pleasing, Self-Worth, Anxiety & Comparing Myself To Others.