Try out the Correction & Criticism Theme on the Thinkladder app here:
Whether it’s feedback on a project or a word of caution from a loved one, correction and criticism can be really hard to handle. When we base our worth on our performance, any sort of criticism can feel like a personal attack on our identity.
We can learn to build our resilience and keep our internal equilibrium when we face critical feedback. A good first step is identifying the limiting beliefs that are feeding our sensitivity. These could be something like, ‘If someone corrects me, they’re saying I’m not good enough,’ or, ‘If someone criticises me, they are rejecting me’. Once we identify our limiting beliefs, we can then challenge them with positive and affirming insights. Criticism doesn’t need to affect our self-worth and confidence.
Our underlying beliefs are often deeply ingrained and may take time and effort to overcome. Change is possible with time, patience, and many small steps forward. We can even learn to appreciate feedback for how it helps us improve, even if it is critical.
If you want to change your relationship with getting feedback, check out the ‘Correction and Criticism’ theme in the Thinkladder app today.
Insights from the Correction & Criticism Theme
With the right combination of respect, humility, and self-confidence, I can receive criticism without fear, conflict, or regret.
Practical tips to help with receiving correction and criticism:
Keep an open mind:. Try to approach feedback with a positive attitude and view it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Practise active listening:. Pay attention to the person giving feedback and try to understand their perspective without interrupting or becoming defensive.
Separate yourself from the feedback: Remember that criticism is not a personal attack on you, but rather an evaluation of a specific part of your work or behaviour.
Ask for clarification: If you are unclear about any part of the feedback, ask for more information so that you can better understand it.
Take time to reflect: Once you have received feedback, take some time to reflect on it and consider how you can apply it in the future.
Seek support: If you find it particularly difficult to receive feedback, consider seeking support from a trusted friend, mentor, or therapist to help you work through your feelings.
Go deeper: Thinkladder can help you explore potential underlying beliefs that fuel the fire when you’re receiving correction and/or criticism. Dedicating some time toward a deeper understanding of yourself may be the key to building resilience for similar future scenarios.
Related topics: People Pleasing, Self-Worth, Anxiety & Comparing Myself To Others.